
Management consultancy

For more than 30 years, we have helped clients develop leaders/managers who can drive strategy execution and people engagement. Unfortunately, the advances in technology, social change, and employment policies do not seem to have had much impact on employee engagement.

According to Gallup's 2017 ‘State of the Global Workplace’,* global aggregate data collected in 2014, 2015 and 2016 across 155 countries indicates that just 15% of employees worldwide are engaged in their job. Two-thirds are not engaged, and 18% are actively disengaged.


The cost of employee disengagement

According to the Guardian Business Review ’*, Global mergers and acquisitions had their strongest start ever in the first quarter of 2018, totalling $1.2tn in value, Regrettably,  many of these projects fail due to culture clashes and loss of key talent. Advances in social psychology, behaviour modelling, and diagnostic tools make poor employee engagement inexcusable.   

Drive engagement

People are fully engaged when the organisational 'climate' is right. While 'culture' relates to how things (processes, policies and procedures) are done in an organisation, 'climate' concerns how people feel about working there. Climate relates not to tasks but to human sentiment, emotion and attitude. This concerns setting purpose, being objective, being honest and candid yet polite, civil and courteous. Great climates are innovative, fast-paced, decisive, evidence-based, values driven. They outperform the competition.

Managing change

The biggest challenge for all organisations is the need to accept and adopt change. To ensure your business stays successful, you need to continuously adapt your organisation's model - and, above all, ensure your employees are engaged and fully developed to perform as change occurs.

Practical interventions

Using a unique approach, Performax International can rapidly pinpoint the actions that can improve performance through employee engagement. Our employee engagement and leadership skills programmes are practical and designed for today's organisations. We provide simple, sustainable recommendations and interventions that can be scaled to suit your requirements, and our systematic approach is transformational and measurable.


Programmes and Products